Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I am posting a news letter I just received from my vet.


A Message from LeGallais Veterinary Hospital -Lily Toxicity
April showers bring May flowers...  Unfortunately for cats,
spring also  brings lilies, a fragrant flower popular in gardens
and as Easter decorations. Lilies contain toxins that are
profoundly toxic to felines. Just a nibble or even a sip from a
vase can be enough to cause irreparable kidney damage and
even death. Cats may be poisoned by eating any part of the
lily flower. This includes the stem, flower, and even the pollen.
Cats often brush up against a lily, resulting in pollen collecting
on their fur. The cat later ingests the pollen while licking its fur
during grooming.

Signs of lily toxicity include vomiting, lethargy, drooling,
and appetite loss. Without prompt treatment, cats will develop
kidney failure within 36-72 hours. Initial treatment requires
aggressive IV fluid therapy and  gastrointestinal decontamination.
If signs are noticed early and decontamination is achieved within
6 hours of ingestion,most cats will not become ill. Treatment
delay of more than 18 hours after ingestion almost always results
in acute renal failure. Mortality rates range from 50-100% of cats
that progress to renal failure. 

As Easter approaches , the Staff at LeGallais Veterinary Hospital

would like to remind pet owners to keep lilies and other kidney
toxic plants out of their home and gardens.

For more information on pet toxins please visit the Pet Poison 
From the Staff at LeGallais Veterinary Hospital, we wish
you and your family a Happy Easter!

LeGallais Veterinary Hospital

150 Wellington Street East | Aurora, ON L4G 1J1
(905) 713-2366

I know this to be true, having sadly lost a beautiful silly furball named Flip
after she ingested a very small amount of lily pollen from a bouquet of cut
flowers including lilies. Unfamiliar with this hazard for cats, by the time we
realized the problem, it was too late.

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